Aswagandha is also known as Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry and withania somnifera. Physical weakness, low sperm density, nervousness, premature ejaculation, weakness of male organ lowx sperm count is the main symptoms of homeopathic Aswagandha. Some people also use the mother tincture of this remedy for improving thinking ability. Aswagandha mother tincture acts effectively than other potencies.
Doses:10-15 drops mother tincture(Q) with some water every day
early in the morning.before break fast.
You can also get the following benefits from Ashwagandha:
1. It's an Ancient Medicinal Herb
2. It Can
Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
3. It Has Anti-Cancer Properties
4. It Can Reduce Cortisol Levels
5. It May Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety
You are requested to consult with Homeopathy Doctor before taking any medicine.
For more comfort, please write to me with details.
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