Do you enlarge your penis?its actually risk free from natural remedy Cydonia vulgaris
Cydonia vulgaris actually use for improving the functions of male organ. It is popularly known as a penis enlargement homeopathic remedy. It acts directly in the male prostate gland function and remove all related problems. Infection in the prostate gland is one of the reasons of small penis (below 4.5 inches length). At that time thirtieth (Cydonia-30) potency of this remedy is helpful to remove the problem.
Cydonia vulgaris actually use for improving the functions of male organ. It is popularly known as a penis enlargement homeopathic remedy. It acts directly in the male prostate gland function and remove all related problems. Infection in the prostate gland is one of the reasons of small penis (below 4.5 inches length). At that time thirtieth (Cydonia-30) potency of this remedy is helpful to remove the problem.
Doses:10-15 drops (Cydonia-30) potency with some water every day
early in the morning.before break fast.
You are requested to consult with Homeopathy Doctor before
taking any medicine.
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